Attendance Policy 2021-22

Updated: 07/11/2021 565 KB

Humberston Cloverfields has a good record of attendance and punctuality, which has been achieved by the combined efforts of parents who ensure their children attend regularly and exciting teaching that motivates pupils to want to attend.


Organisation of the School Day




Students start to arrive to Breakfast Club


Doors open




Lessons commence


FS children depart                           


Students depart (end of school day) and After School Club starts


After school club closes


Building closed to all


Children who are unsupervised on site before 8:50am when staff are outside will be taken to breakfast club so we can ensure their safety. In these incidences, parents/carers will be notified and charged for the session.

Why is being on time so important?

Children need to build good habits of attendance and punctuality to enable them to be successful in their school lives and careers beyond. Being late to school can have a considerable impact over the whole school year. Children can miss a surprising amount of their education by being late. A child who is 5 minutes late each day actually misses 3 full days of learning over the course of a year. Being 20 minutes late everyday equates to 13 lost days of learning! The school is obliged to record the number of minutes late a child is in order to support parents/carers as quickly as possible.

What do I do if my child is absent from school?

Parents/carers should call the office at the earliest opportunity and before 9am each day their child(ren) are absence, stating the reason for their absence. This is to ensure all children are accounted for as part of our safeguarding processes. The admin team will text then call parents who have not notified the office of their child’s absence. Children’s absence will be marked as ‘unauthorised’ if a valid reason is not give because parent’s carers/could not be contacted.

Can my child have time off from school?

If a holiday is taken during term time, a Penalty Notice will be issued and the absence will be marked as unauthorised unless there are exceptional circumstances. Children have missed a considerable amount of learning due the national lockdowns and the effects of COVID-19 and so holidays and appointments should be made out of school time.

What is persistent Absence?

A child is classed as being persistently absent I their attendance drops to below 90%. If your child is in danger of become a Persistent Absentee, School will contact you to try to resolve any issues and support the family so that this does not happen.

Who are EWO?

EWO are Education Welfare Officers who support our school to ensure children are attending and any possible barriers can be overcome. Our EWO works work school to support families who may have issues getting their children to school and the process is always designed to be supportive. WE want children to have full attendance where possible to improve their learning and be as successful as possible. Our EWO will also make home visits to families, where appropriate.